May 10, 2009

Steelhead Trout

The local “members only” store had some Steelhead Trout that looked good and I had wanted to give it a try ever since a friend on a forum I frequent had recommended it.  I also had wanted to try this recipe, if you will, with Pesto between the fillets.  I say recipe, but this isn't a recipe, it’s just me throwing things together with inspiration-- usually is.  In the way of a little history and to explain the inspiration let me say this. I frequent a few Que forums and this was inspired by an excellent fellow that goes by the name of Don Marco.  He calls his Ying and Yang Salmon with Pesto and I think you can see how that could happen, but my execution of the presentation was poor.  The taste was great!  Big thumbs up DM!  I highly recommend a little pesto on your salmon. 

The wife was not feeling the pesto concept and wanted me to use an Asian inspired glaze that I put on a few things.  It's a mixture of honey, soy, brown sugar, sesame oil, rice wine vinegar, and lemon juice.  I didn't measure... mix it up and give it a taste.  If you like it... use it.  :)  I am sorry to say the photo of the glaze looked like brown liquid in a bowl and I suppose it was.  The glaze is applied several times toward the end of the grilling.  

It was getting late and I just used the gasser to cook it.  A fish/vege tray can be very handy to keep the fish skin off the grates.  Always be sure to apply some oil to the grill grates before you cook... especially with fish.  I apply vegetable oil with a folded paper towel and tongs.  Something about spraying PAM at a fire seems like bad juju to me.  :)

We picked up some fresh brussel sprouts, thick cut bacon, and an onion. While I was outside at the grill Mrs. Juju was making these scrumptious little cabbages inside. I mean how can you go wrong with bacon and onions? I say if it will make liver taste good it can make anything taste good. :) Sorry... childhood flashback. These were delicious.
Happy Que

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